Give Us the Creeps, Please!

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Have you ever had something just so unexplainable happen to you ?

Give Us the Creeps

 Our Experiences ??


(Christina)  I know that in my life I have had a ton of experiences that still give me the creeps when retelling them.  Things that were unexplainable.  It is possible I  guess... if you grow up with an open mind, you tend to experience more than non-believers (that is a theory anyway)

When I was little I used to have a 'visitor' come to the end of my bed whom I used to talk to.  I think my mom thought I had an imaginary friend. Actually, when I finally told someone, (um...Lynn) the visitor went away. 

Certain places would give me the creeps and make the hair on the back of my neck stand on end. They still do.  I had an experience at the rocks in Grampian (Pa).  Never will I stay at that place after dark on a full moon night.  When I was in dark times I had one come to me...not a very pleasant sight (scared me senseless)....and I have to say the house we now live in has given me even more stories. (the house is over 108 years yah...there is bound to be something)

I have enough happen to me to be a believer.  Actually too many to really put in writing at this moment...possibly later.



(Lynn) Well, I have had some encounters with ghosts and the ouigi boards...(the ouigi boards I don't recommend but if you like it...go right ahead.)  There are just some things you can't explain.  I remember playing the ouigi board in my room with my old friend and that freaked me out.  Some things do come true!!! But the thing I remember most is my dad.  He died in the living room of my old house....(I found him dead on the couch) the clock stopped at 2:16 am and I have never felt a room so cold in all my life.  I was only 13, now I am 29 and I still can remember that day plain as day.  A couple months later, my mom was down in the basement doing the laundry (we had a long stair case to the basement) she was walking up the stairs and something flipped her around and I was in the kitchen and I saw my dad and he said "Hey Kathie"  She was as white as a sheet.  I can still remember what he was wearing.....he had on a black shirt, with his blue jeans, and his glasses were big....i still remember that night.  I know I didn't sleep that night.  Now he comes in my dreams sometimes....and he talks to me.  He just wants to see how I am doing (but I am thinking he wants something else but I am not sure.)  Now I dream about airplanes all the time.  The one dream I had was in my old house, we had 3 acres of yard, and after he died I always dreamed of him in an airplane crashing in the yard...(now that freaks me out) and when we cut the grass.....there was a heart shape in the middle of the yard when we were done cutting the grass.  My sister swears my dad put that there....but we are not to sure.  I drive past my old house occassionaly, and I don't see no heart there anymore.....kinda funny! 

When I was in high school, my sister, her friend and I used to do Sayoinces at her friend's house in her basement.  She had a big house with a big basement.  We used to call the dead and that is something that FREAKED me out to.  We had the candles all over the place (i still remember that basement) we sat in a circle, and called (her father, my sister's friend) when we did that, there were blood coming down off the walls (I am not kidding) and people talking to us.....we couldn't understand what they were saying, but we were scared. So we ran up the stairs, and the voices kept following us.  We locked ourselves in the bathroom, and on the mirror, somebody wrote...."I am here"  We about peed our pant.  So ever since then, we haven't done that.  That freaked us out so bad, we didn't go back to the basement ever again.  And that has been 15 years ago. 

I really haven't had any encounters with ghosts since my dad, but I do remember going to grave sites on Halloween night to see if we could see any ghosts, but I didn't.  They swear where we used to live, there is a haunted grave site, but we are not sure.  I used to go there to  party, and I never saw anything.  So if you have any encounters with ghostly or scary things we are all for it.  I love hearing about other people's encounters.  So tell us about it, we love a good ghost story!!!


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