Ghost Hunting 101


Ghost Hunting Tips

1. I would never suggest to anyone to go buy equipment and just on a whim start investigating places. You should have a great understanding of the paranormal and spirit world , also you should know what to look for when ghost hunting.  There are many groups and organizations out there that would be glad to take along novice ghost hunters and show them the ropes of ghost hunting.

2.  The following categories are strictly our opinion and how we feel about ghost hunting.  The information that you find on this page our Team follows on a regular basis.  My hope is that anyone visiting our website might find something useful to polish their ghost hunting skills.


Ghost Hunting Protocol

1. Never Trespass:  Always get permission before going ghost hunting.  If you are ghost hunting in a Public place make sure you are aware of the times that the area may close. Always look for posted signs.  Avoid areas where access is  prohibited.

2. Never go Alone:  Always go in groups of 2 or more. This is good in a few ways.  You will have someone to validate any paranormal activity. Also if you were alone and would get into an accident or need help.

3. Carry ID:  Always carry proper identification with you. If you are ever in a public or private area and are stopped by athorities you may need to show proper ID.

4. Do not Use Drugs or Alcohol:  I think this is self explanatory.

5. Do not Litter: Always clean up after you leave an investigation site.  You should leave it just as you found it.

6. Check the Area:  Always check the area in the day time.  You will need to be familiar with the area in order to avoid dangerous things.

7.  Never smoke during an investigation.  This can effect pictures and video.

8. Check all equipment before going out to the investigation site.

9.  Limit the people talking during recording audio (EVP's).   This will make it easier when going through the audio.

10. Do not use your flash when taking pictures of flat surfaces.  This can cause abnormalities in your pictures.

11.  Always abide by the home or land owners requests.

12.  Always treat an investigation seriously.  Do not jump to conclusion and do not joke around.

13. Always keep and open mind.


What to Bring

1. Digital Camera - Digital camera's have advanced over the last couple of years.  They are now a very good and common tool used for ghost hunting. They also now work with infrared capabilities

2. Extra Batteries - Never know when you will need batteries.

3. Flashlight or Torch - Flashlights are a necessity.  They will help you move around in the dark efficiently.

4. First Aid Kit - Just in case of an emergency you may need something from your kit.

5. Cell phone - You may need a cell phone in case of an emergency also.  They may also be a good communication tool if you have a large area to cover.

6. Watch -  you will need to know the current time.

7. Walkie Talkies  - same as number 5

8. Notebook with Pens or Pencils - These will be used for filling out your investigation logs.  You will want to mark down all times and events that may occur on your investigation

9. Video camera with Nightshot or infrared capabilites -  A great tool for capturing the paranormal.

10. Digital Voice recorder or Audio recording device. - used for recording EVP's

11. EMF detector -  Electo-Magnetic Fields are a sign of the paranormal.  This tool will help you find EMF fluctuations on your investigation.

12. Thermometer or Thermal Gun - Changing temporature and Cold spots are also a sign of paranormal activity. 

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