My Encounters

Out at Crumb Cemetary

June 12, 2009

Well, I have seen and heard things in my day, but the other day out at the Crumb Cemetary was the most real and vivid yet for me.
It was during the day and Eric wanted to show his buddies around since they were new to the area.  I have never liked the cemetary, but figured since I wasnt alone I would be ok.
We walked around, looking at all the old tombstones, which sadly I have to say have lots of children in it.  The earliest from the late 1700's. Walking around you get a heavy feeling in your head...but we tried to ignore it.  We walked over to the newest tombstone which belonged to a man who comitted suicide . It was at that time that a pain and heaviness overcame me and I about passed out. Tears came to my eyes and I just wanted to get away. After leaving and getting space between me and the cemetary, I started to feel a little better, but my head still hurt and I was tired.  I have all respect for tortured souls and think he may still be roaming. I defenately have a real good reason not to walk around that cemetary. Even in the day.  Old souls that have a deep hold on that area I think. 
Let alone I had seen the figures in the fog the last time....this will stick with me defianately.
All I can say is be careful walking around any cemetary, you never know who or what you may run into.


Out at Crumb Cemetary

June 12, 2009

Well, I have seen and heard things in my day, but the other day out at the Crumb Cemetary was the most real and vivid yet for me.
It was during the day and Eric wanted to show his buddies around since they were new to the area.  I have never liked the cemetary, but figured since I wasnt alone I would be ok.
We walked around, looking at all the old tombstones, which sadly I have to say have lots of children in it.  The earliest from the late 1700's. Walking around you get a heavy feeling in your head...but we tried to ignore it.  We walked over to the newest tombstone which belonged to a man who comitted suicide . It was at that time that a pain and heaviness overcame me and I about passed out. Tears came to my eyes and I just wanted to get away. After leaving and getting space between me and the cemetary, I started to feel a little better, but my head still hurt and I was tired.  I have all respect for tortured souls and think he may still be roaming. I defenately have a real good reason not to walk around that cemetary. Even in the day.  Old souls that have a deep hold on that area I think. 
Let alone I had seen the figures in the fog the last time....this will stick with me defianately.
All I can say is be careful walking around any cemetary, you never know who or what you may run into.


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Windber, Pa


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